- run to BB's (local dent and bent) and Dutch Way
- clean up the house (does it ever stay clean???)
- make baked oatmeal
- wash the dishes
- clean out fridge(yuck!)
- wash towels and hang out on the line since it's such a mild day!
- do my Beth Moore Esther bible study for today (love love love this bible study!)
- wash my kitchen floor
- read and relax while Lilly sleeps!
- get ready for girls night! (ordering out chinese food and watching the Help)
Today I am 37 weeks and 4 days but I'm feeling pretty good. I was really sore but it gets better when I do my prenatal yoga. Which by the way, should be on my list but I doubt I'll be able to get it in while Lilly is still sleeping. It's virtally impossible to do with her awake because she is ALLLLL up in my business trying to do it with me. :-) Kinda cute but not so much relaxing.
For this pregnancy I am doing a VBAC. I am super excited; I feel like it's the only thing that's been on my mind since having Lilly and I'm just ready to do it! We will be staying home as long as possible, like until I'm pushing, then heading to the hospital which is only about 15mins away. We are having a lady from our church come out to be our doula and I'm really happy about our plan. My prayer right now is that baby comes sooner rather than later for the fear of her being too "big" which I'm afraid will make the midwives nervous and lead to a repeat c/s. But my trust is in the LORD, and I know HE will take care of me and baby.
I will make sure to update more often!