Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Yellows

You know the term "baby blues"? They usually come a few days after the baby is born and can stay around for several weeks or even months and can turn your life upside down with it's darkness. Not only are you trying to adjust to this new normal in your life but your hormones are adjusting as well and going back to pre-pregnancy normalcy. I sing with joy for the ladies who haven't been touched by the "blues" and cry out for the ones that have. My dear little one arrived about 3 months ago and my body went into "AHHHHHH" mode for about 8 weeks, off and on. It. Was. Not. Fun. It was horrible. 


Through it, I have been turned into a new person. I clung to God with all my might and although there were days where I was sure He was not there, I know He was right there, holding me the whole time. My relationship with Dom has also been strengthened to a whole new level and even though those long weeks were scary, sad, depressing, he made sure I laughed, cried and was held physically through it all. I am so so so thankful for an understanding husband. 

And now, finally, I can say I have baby yellows! 

Baby yellows? 

I was trying to find a color that is opposite of blue and I believe yellow fits. It's bright, sunny and warm! And that is how I feel! 

I am so so so so so so so happy! Happy to be a mom, to have 2 amazing girlies, to have an awesome husband and wonderful friends and family. I am so happy for a home to clean and decorate! I am so happy to be under the blood of the Lamb. 

But most of all, I am so happy for hormones that are back to normal. 

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!

Things that make you smile

  • A while back a friend brought a book into work. I forget exactly what it was called but it was along the lines of "The Happy Book". It just listed things in it that make you smile.

    a fresh cup of coffee

    the smell of sheets fresh of the line

    a bouquet of flowers

    a hug from a friend

    a babies giggle

    lightening bugs

    rain on a tin roof

    and so on and so on, I'm sure we could all write a book on our favorite things.

    The last few months, I've hung close to things that make me smile and feel happy. Things that make you sigh a happy sigh.

    There is a giveaway going on right now that is an assortment of this bloggers favorite items. What are some of your favorite things? I love hearing what makes people smile.