Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things that make you smile

  • A while back a friend brought a book into work. I forget exactly what it was called but it was along the lines of "The Happy Book". It just listed things in it that make you smile.

    a fresh cup of coffee

    the smell of sheets fresh of the line

    a bouquet of flowers

    a hug from a friend

    a babies giggle

    lightening bugs

    rain on a tin roof

    and so on and so on, I'm sure we could all write a book on our favorite things.

    The last few months, I've hung close to things that make me smile and feel happy. Things that make you sigh a happy sigh.

    There is a giveaway going on right now that is an assortment of this bloggers favorite items. What are some of your favorite things? I love hearing what makes people smile.

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