Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My hearts cry - broken and ashamed

Right now it's about 20 degrees outside. I have candles lit and the furnace is humming away. Lilly woke up about an hour ago and is already laying on the floor with her toys, almost asleep. She must be like her daddy because he loves naps.

I have to be honest...I have put my one true love on the back burner. It seems lately, I have so many "more important" things to do in my day. My heart is thirsting for Him. So today I will make a new normal. I will spend more time reading the Word and other godly books to better myself for my husband, my daughter, and most importantly, myself. When I think about studying more, I get excited! I know that my Father has wonderful nuggets of truth to share with me.

Saturday night I made a quick stop at Giant. It was about 11:00 and there was hardly anyone in the store. As I was waiting to check out, the cashier was ringing up another employee. In her conversation with him, she made a remark that if "she has to be behind this (bad word) register for one more night..." And that's all I heard of the conversation but I could feel the tension she had, the disappointment, the hurt she was going through. I could see anger and rage. I could see the demons tormenting her. 
I often hear stories of customers coming up to pay and have a word of encouragement for the cashier. My best friends husband (before they were dating and before he was a christian) had a dear old lady come up to him and tell him that Jesus loves him. I LOVE hearing those stories!
And as I often do when I have a crabby cashier, "Does God want me to say something to her?" Most of the time the notion quickly goes away and I assume that I wasn't to say something but this time it popped into my head "Tell her her daughter will be ok".   .......



I walked out the door.

And said nothing. 


Well, I did tell her I hope she has a great night. That counts as saying something to encourage her, right?

I feel like a horrible person. I may have been the only way she would get to see Jesus.


 Please forgive me. Please help me to not be embarrassed, scared to share Your words. Your beautiful, life saving words. May they flow out of my mouth like honey to the unsaved or even just the discouraged souls. Your mercy is like a sweet cool rain. Shower it down Lord, let Your mercies flow from Heaven.

I read this morning about how we use our words for good. To cloth and feed people. To encourage the brokenhearted.

The definition of word- something that is said. Putting one's feelings into words.

 ~Sweet Mercies~
It's our confession Lord, that we are weak
So very weak, but You are strong
And though we've nothing Lord, to lay at your feet
We come to Your feet and say, "Help us along"

A broken heart and a contrite spirit
You have yet to deny
Your heart of mercy beats with love's strong current
Let the river flow by your Spirit now, Lord we cry

Let Your mercies fall from heaven
Sweet mercies flow from heaven
New mercies for today
Shower them down Lord as we pray
Let Your mercies fall from heaven
Sweet mercies flow from heaven
New mercies for today
Shower them down Lord as we pray

I love you Abba. 

1 comment:

  1. dont feel bad i am so guilty of this too.. I hear the sweet voice of the lord but often don't listen!
