Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Planning the Garden for 2012!

It's that time of year again! Time to start planning the garden! This is pretty much my favorite part of the whole gardening process, haha. I love to plan and organize. My hubby and I are still learning and so when it actually comes time to plant (not too hard), weed (yikes, last year we grew some awful tall weeds) and harvest (2nd best part!) we're a little "green around the edges". ;-) 

I always have such high hopes and so I'm going to try really really hard this year and not let the garden go to pits like we did last year. Come March, Lord willing, we will be adding another little darling to this family and so I'm hoping by May, I will be in a new grind and ready to tackle this adventure with some fresh energy and excitement! I wish I could bottle up this enthusiasm for once July and August come around and it's time to freeze and can as well. 

My question for ya'll, any tips? And also, what are some of your favorite veggies to plant? 

Oh, by the way, did I mention that my hubby made our garden about the size of a football field?? Ok, not that big, but still very daunting...

I'm linking up on Raising Homemakers , check it out! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mommy and Baby Time

Baby and I had some yoga/palates time together today. In the words of the instructor, it felt "yummy". 

I've never been real fit or active however I really am working hard to fight my laziness and get moving. This is really important right now because I need to be fit and not let this child inside of me get too big. With my first little one (whose now 19mns old) I had a csection. For this pregnancy, I really wanted to avoid another one and so I went with a birthing center that's going to work with me to have a VBAC. It's really something to see how involved they are in my diet, exercise, etc.. , so much more than the hospital was with my first one. I am measuring a few weeks ahead with this pregnancy so I really need to cut back on my carbs and up my proteins. (Rather hard to do this time of year..) 

Prayers would be appreciated. =) 

In closing, I did a really dumb thing today...I dropped my phone in my glass of water. 

Not. Cool. 

Anyways, hope everyone had a blessed Christmas! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christ's Birthday is near!

Are you ready? I am! I'm all done shopping and getting "blessings" for our families. I decided that blessings is much nicer word than gifts or presents. I want to bless my family members, not just give them stuff.

A sweet giveaway!

I really would love to win this giveaway for the Bulk Herb Store. There is a dvd on pregnancy that I would love to own! Check it out!

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope everyone truly enjoys the celebration of our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

French Macaroons Delight!


Mmmmm, don't these looks amazing.... (excuse while I wipe the drool off my face) 

I have been wanting to try french macaroons for a little while now but a) didn't want to spend $098837095 (What the harry number is that???) on buying some and b) didn't even want to attempt to make them. 

A friend of mine who is very much more daring than me posted on facebook that she made some. I commented about how much I would love to make and try these babies for a long time and asked her for the recipe. Well, I got the most wonderful surprise at church on sunday, 2 french macaroons! I was soooo tickled! She made an apricot one and a peppermint one. 
My Husband could tell from my face that I wanted to inhale these things but gave me a look like "Don't you dare try and open that loud packaging and stuff your face!" 

So, I waited until he took Lilly downstaires to sunday school. 

Hehe, sneaky!

OH my goodness, they were so good! My husbands brothers that were sitting with us just looked at me like "What the heck are you doing?" 
Hey, first off, I'm pregnant, I can eat in church. Second, I don't care. 

I decided that I had to try and make some more so I got the recipe and made some yesterday! I wish I had pictures, well acutally I don't because they weren't perfect and the icing was really runny but they had that wonderful, crispy yet chewy texture that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! I used raspberry flavoring and I wish I didn't. I think I like them (the cookie part) flavored with just plain vanilla and plain icing with some jelly in the middle. Mine kinda taste like cotton candy. Not ideal but oh well! 

Right now their in the freezer so that the icing doesn't drip off and also so I don't eat them all and give this child a sugar shock. 

Blessings and Merry Christmas to ya'll!