It's that time of year again! Time to start planning the garden! This is pretty much my favorite part of the whole gardening process, haha. I love to plan and organize. My hubby and I are still learning and so when it actually comes time to plant (not too hard), weed (yikes, last year we grew some awful tall weeds) and harvest (2nd best part!) we're a little "green around the edges". ;-)
I always have such high hopes and so I'm going to try really really hard this year and not let the garden go to pits like we did last year. Come March, Lord willing, we will be adding another little darling to this family and so I'm hoping by May, I will be in a new grind and ready to tackle this adventure with some fresh energy and excitement! I wish I could bottle up this enthusiasm for once July and August come around and it's time to freeze and can as well.
My question for ya'll, any tips? And also, what are some of your favorite veggies to plant?
Oh, by the way, did I mention that my hubby made our garden about the size of a football field?? Ok, not that big, but still very daunting...
I'm linking up on Raising Homemakers , check it out!
I'm linking up on Raising Homemakers , check it out!